Chin Ting Chan

composing tools for the command line


Title: "ctools"
Version: 2.0
Year: 2015-2016
Development Language: C++
Platform: Mac OSX/Windows
Interface: CLI
Description: This program lets you construct pitch sets, rows or matrixes from input, then display them or outputs them to a text file in the same directory. There are thirteen sub-programs available.

12. Find all permutations of a given set

This program prints all permutations of a set given by the user. It uses a recursive algorithm to sort out all possible permutations from a set of pitches concatenated in a string, then prints out a table of all the possible sets. The code is implemented as follow:

void Modules::permute(string soFar, string rest, int arrSize, char out, ofstream &outFile) {
    if (rest == "") {	// convert char symbols from the sub-strings of soFar to pitches, then print out
        for (int i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
            cout << TABLE[charToNum(soFar[i])];
            if (out == 'y')
                outFile << TABLE[charToNum(soFar[i])];
        cout << endl;
        if (out == 'y')
            outFile << endl;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(rest.length()); i++) {
            string next = soFar + rest[i];
            string remaining = rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(i + 1);
            permute(next, remaining, arrSize, out, outFile);

13. Find all subsets of a given set

This program prints all subsets of a set given by the user. It uses a recursive algorithm to sort out all possible subsets from a set of pitches concatenated in a string, then prints out a table of all the possible sets. The code is implemented as follow:

void Modules::subsets(string soFar, string rest, char out, ofstream &outFile) {
    if (rest == "") {	// convert char symbols from the sub-strings of soFar to pitches, then print out
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(soFar.length()); i++) {
            cout << TABLE[charToNum(soFar[i])];
            if (out == 'y')
                outFile << TABLE[charToNum(soFar[i])];
        cout << endl;
        if (out == 'y')
            outFile << endl;
    } else {
        // add to subset, remove from rest, recursion
        subsets(soFar + rest[0], rest.substr(1), out, outFile);
        // don't add to subset, remove from rest, recursion
        subsets(soFar, rest.substr(1), out, outFile);

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